Coronary Heart Disease is the term used to describe three clinical syndromes that result from insufficient blood overflow:
- Sudden cardiac death
- Angina pectoris
- MI (Myocardial Infarction)
Theses entities are the result of progressive atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries. The order of appearance may vary, with sudden death sometimes being the first manifestation of the heart disease.
Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) is the end result of the accumulation of atheromatous plaques within the walls of the arteries that supply the myocardium (the muscle of the heart) with oxygen and nutrients.
Thought not all cases of sudden death are cardiac, reports have shown that 55% of deaths within 24 hours of symptoms are the result of coronary heart disease. Sudden death in males within one hour symptoms has been shown to be associated with coronary heart disease in as high as 91%. The role of Myocardial Infarction (MI) as the cause of most sudden deaths remains a source of controversy, perhaps reflecting our inability to pathologically verify early infarctions. Most of the patients probably die from ventricular disrhythmia.
You may want to read more about Coronary Heart disease on:
Coronary heart disease Introduction - Health encyclopaedia
Coronary Heart Disease
MedlinePlus - Coronary heart disease